Wow, it seems like forever since I've posted, over a week I guess. I'm still behind on trade posts, but needed to get something new on here before my already sketchy following dwindles away to nothing. Seeing as how baseball appears to be a few outs away from being done as I sit here at the computer, it's time to officially move on to football. I was shopping at Wally World today, checked out the cards and lo and behold, new stuff. Now, I'm probably not the first person to post about this new release, but I haven't seen any others myself, so I'll stake a bold claim to first anyway. I picked up a blaster of 2009 Topps Mayo, so let's see what we've got here.

This is the wrapper. Notice it is now white. Last year was navy and gold I believe. Could this be a hint as to what is inside?

Well, what do you know? The cards are white this year too! Quite a change from the black background, we now have full color photos on a white background with a bunch of frilly gold flourishes. Each pack seems to contain 4 base cards, 1 thicker stock silver parallel and a mini. This minis feature B&W photos on an off white background, notice how it is a little darker than the base cards. Like most sets these days, especially the retro themed ones, there are non football cards included. We got Teddy in the first pack.

Pack 2 features all football dudes. This set dare I say, has a somewhat Allen & Gintery feel to it, I guess because of the white cardstock. I think I liked the black better, still undecided though.

For some reason pack 3 did not have a mini, though we did get a prominent rookie in Stafford.

Pack 4 was the jackpot. Check out Cowboy great Troy in the sharktooth cap, plus a hit!! Aaron Rodgers jersey card, green too, instead of boring old white. Oh yeah, we also got a mini of some inventor guy. I guess, since he invented the artificial heart, he's not too spare.

Pack 5 held another Cowboy and Shaun Hill sporting a cheesy 'stache. The John Bull Locomotive is kinda neat and is part of the World's Fair Attractions subset.

Not a lot here in pack 6, though we did get a mini Mayo Mayo.

Broadway Joe in pack 7. Hmm, who's the best QB in this bunch?

The last pack contains two of the greatest players ever in Marino and Peterson (at least I'm pretty sure when all is said and done Peterson will fit in that group). So that about wraps it up for this blaster. I like the overall look of this set, I guess it would have been a little boring to do the same black background thing again. Seems like this blaster lacked a little in star power overall, but pulling a jersey card was cool especially when it doesn't have white swatch. These of course, belong to Goose now, so if you see anything you are interested in, I'll have to run it by him. I can hear the damn Yankees celebrating in the other room, so I guess that's all the baseball for now. Later.
Nice to see you posting again...not a bad blaster overall. Congrats to the Goose on some nice cards.