All 30 teams in the NBA this year have brand spanking new unis featuring new fabrics courtesy of Adidas. None of them, however, are made of trash bags as the Mavericks failed gray uniforms were from a few years ago. Don't believe me? I have proof, see?

Okay, so they aren't actually made of Hefty bags, but they sure were ugly. When I saw this card on, I had to have it. I had never seen this unis depicted on a card before (I have since found another.) Mark Cuban scrapped this uniform after just one game because everyone hated it. I don't think he should have given up on it completely though. I've always been intrigued by the Lakers home yellows and wondered why someone else doesn't come up with a light colored home jersey instead of white. When the Mavs changed their colors to their newest scheme, I thought silver jerseys would be cool and maybe that's what Mark had in mind. The end result missed the mark, but that's okay. I can fix it with the help of Photoshop.

See, isn't that better! While they look a little more aluminum foily than I would like to see in real life, I think a silver home uniform would be pretty sweet. At least it would be unique and keep the Lakers from being the only ones who are too cool to wear white (though I guess that's been toned down with their Sunday/Holiday whites they now use on occasion.) Anyway, if you're reading this Mark, why not give it another shot? Think about how awesome the pregame light show could be reflecting off these babies! Later.
I like the old school Roy Tarpley, Derek Harper Uni's from the 80's.
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