A few weeks ago
Drew posted about a blaster of 2010
UD he had opened. In it were a few cards I liked, so I asked if I could get a hold of them. Drew said sure, so here they are.

The first 2 are Rangers inserts, a Michael Young Supreme (green) and an Ian
Kinsler Portrait. The other 2 were base cards of the
Kung Fu Panda and an A's checklist featuring my other favorite Suzuki, Kurt.

Like most traders on the blogs, Drew threw in some extras. He sent three individually wrapped packs for Nobie, Goose and me & Baby Peas.

I received a nice mix of Cowboys & a couple of

and some assorted Rangers, including a Michael Young
refractor and a gold Hamilton
Toppstown we still needed to help get us closer to the set.

Drew sent Nobie a hefty batch of Cubs and a couple of

while Goose got handful of some of his favorite football guys that also included a
refractor. It's going to be really weird seeing LT in a Jets jersey next season, though I'm sure you're looking forward to it, Drew.

Last but not least, we've got the cards sent for Baby Peas. Apparently, Mr. Byrd in not a fan of big, purple dinosaurs as he seems to be making a mad dash for safety! Once again, you put together a nice package Drew! Thanks again. Later.
No problem, glad you liked them!