Hey all, it's been awhile since my last post. We just got back from vacation visiting relatives in the Chicago area. Since none of us had ever been there before and since Nobie is a big Cubs fan, we decided to take in a game at Wrigley Field.

I'll have to say, it was quite an experience. Definately not what we are used to at Rangers games. The neighborhood surrounding Wrigley is all abuzz several hours before the game. People everywhere selling souvenirs and in and out of pubs and restaurants. We made sure to ride the train and avoid any parking hassles! Plus, it was way cheaper! We were all very excited to get inside and see what it was like. Wrigley, of course, is very old, but it has so much charm. Very cool! The Phillies were in town and the place was packed. We had a hard time getting 5 tickets together because the trip was kind of a late addition to the summer schedule and had to settle for 2 seats in one row with 3 more behind them. And all that was left were marked "obstructed view". The ticket sellers over the phone couldn't specify how obstructed the seats were, simply telling me that most likely there may be an upper deck support post partially in the way. Well we decided to go for it. How obstructed could they be anyway, right?

Uh, well... apparently "obstructed view" means, you have bought a ticket to stare at a post in your lap for 9 innings. See my view below (yes, the post is blocking my view of the pitcher's mound and home plate!)

And another, from my wife's seat behind Nobie and I.

Oh well, like I said in the title, they were the best, worst seats ever! Just a great atmosphere, friendly regular fans, the sights and sounds of the singing of Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Everything was perfect, except for the damn post. We moved to some unobstructed seats after the 3rd inning, but by the fourth the real ticket holders showed up and we were back to our lean left, lean right seats.

The weather was perfect. Day games in Texas are ridiculously hot and we pretty much avoid them except in spring. The Phillies ended up winning 4-1, which meant Goose was happy, since he's a Ryan Howard fan and could hassle Nobie about the result.

I'm just glad that we were able to get Nobie to a Cubs game and he could see his favorite player (Alfonso Soriano) play in person. Hopefully next time they'll win for him.

Oh, and yes, there will be a next time some day! Like I said the best, worst seats at least got us in the game and it was a blast. I highly recommend going to a game there if you haven't before, just remember to stay away from any obstructed view seats! Later.
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